The stupid questions are the important ones

No matter your industry, there are probably a handful of technical terms you use to quickly communicate what you mean. But what happens when these terms start to confuse and compromise what you’re actually trying to say?

I loved this opinion piece by Johnny Corbett, which strips apart marketing terms that can muddy meaning where they’re supposed to clarify and define it. While I think these terms can have value in the right context, they can draw energy away from the essentials. So, how do you stay focused on the essentials?

Johnny lists a number of questions that come across as very simple, but really must be answered for any marketing strategy. These questions look pretty similar to my briefing document for new copywriting clients. They’re basically no-bullshit questions.

What is it people are buying that you sell, and why?

Who is doing the buying, and where and who are they buying from? And so on.

To reach intelligent answers, you often need to ask really dumb questions.

― Rory Sutherland

This is why, no matter your industry, you already have the language you need to communicate with any marketer or marketing team. Don’t be daunted by terms like omnichannel experiences or conversation qualified leads. What we should be talking about is who, what, when, where – and absolutely why.

If you need copywriting for your website without the bull, get in touch.

For fun further reading:

It’s time we admit marketing jargon is holding the profession back by Johhny Corbett

And in a similar vein, check out this fascinating article by Vox Culture about what makes Gen Z phrase-creating marketing geniuses: Against trendbait